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2 Ways To Take Every Thought Captive Before The Enemy Brings You Down

October 05, 20213 min read

2 Ways To Take Every Thought Captive Before The Enemy Brings You Down

Are you wondering how you can take every thought captive? If you’re tired of the lies that are causing you to feel worn out, down, or fearful, read to the end because we’re going to show you how you can start taking every thought captive today!

2 Corinthians 10:5 says, “We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” God makes it clear that we are to start becoming aware of our thoughts because if we don’t, the enemy can quickly creep in and deceive us. We are to constantly guard our hearts and mind from the enemy!

Proverbs 4:23 says “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” The word heart is used hundreds of times in the bible, and it means our thoughts, life, emotions, and motivations. We know that the battle takes place in our minds as this is where the enemy typically attacks and can bring us down. So, before he does this how can we take every thought captive?

Stand Back and Observe Your Thoughts and Actions

1. Stand Back and Observe Your Thoughts and Actions

It all starts with awareness. Most of the thoughts in our minds are subconscious, meaning we don’t even know what’s there. However, we can start to bring them out of the subconscious by listening to the thoughts in our minds and becoming aware of our actions throughout the day. So, what you can do is stand back and observe as many thoughts as you can throughout the day.

Many people live their whole life on autopilot, not aware of their thoughts and actions so this can be tough at first. However, I cannot recommend it enough to take control of your thought life, or your thought life will control you. A good way to do this is to set a timer on your phone for every 30 minutes and ask yourself what am I thinking? How am I acting? Do my thoughts and actions align with Christ? It’s so neat when you do this. You’ll start becoming more aware of why you do the things you do. You’ll be able to check your own heart and motivations.

 Do a Listening and Writing Exercise

2. Do a Listening and Writing Exercise

Another great way to become aware of your thoughts is to get a pen and paper. Find a quiet place where you will not get interrupted. Set your timer for 2 minutes and just silently listen to the thoughts that go through your head. Then set your timer for another 2 minutes and write down all the thoughts you remembered both positive and negative.

Then read those thoughts out loud. Are they mostly positive or negative? Do they align with what God would want you to focus on or are they lies from the enemy? How can you change your focus if they are lies?

Those are our two tips for taking every thought captive! Now start becoming aware of your thought life so you’re able to change it before the enemy takes you down and spiral into negative thinking patterns wasting your day.

If you are looking to get the best tips on rewiring your brain for health and happiness from a Christian perspective, join our free Facebook group. If you are interested in having us help you rewire your brain so you can live happy and healthy again, schedule a free call. We look forward to hearing from you. God bless!


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