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Identifying Core Beliefs To Help Reverse Chronic Symptoms With Brain Rewiring

October 11, 20216 min read

Identifying Core Beliefs To Help Reverse Chronic Symptoms With Brain Rewiring

Have you wondered how identifying core beliefs can help you with retraining your brain? If you are unsure what your core beliefs are then you must continue reading, and we will tell you exactly how to identify them and why it is a MUST in your brain rewiring training!

What Are Core Beliefs?

Our core beliefs are our assumptions about ourselves, the world, others, and everything else. A majority of what we will discuss in this post is identifying your core beliefs about health because this is crucial if you are going to successfully rewire your brain for health and happiness. Most of our beliefs about health have been learned, especially if you have been hit with chronic symptoms. The problem is that when we’re desperate for answers to our symptoms, we’re quick to believe what we hear from every health article, doctor, or person we follow online. It’s best to identify and know if what you believe is really true and necessary for you to be healthy and happy.

As an example, when I had severe food sensitivities, I researched every single diet I possibly could and before I knew it, I believed that all histamine, sugars (even natural ones), starches, grains, oxalates, histamines, salicylates, and more were extremely bad which led to avoiding them. This then led me to eat only a few different goods which is not life-sustaining. This lead to be becoming very malnourished, starving all the time, and miserable because of the “beliefs” I held about these things.

What Are Core Beliefs?

How to Identify Your Core Beliefs

Start by writing out all your behaviors and actions around health. Then ask yourself why? Why do I feel that I need to do or not do this? In doing so, the answer to this question is going to be your belief. Then ask yourself, is this true? If not, what makes it false? Now, write your new desired action. Let’s go over two examples.

Example 1:

Action: I must avoid all EMF.

Why? (Belief): Because it can cause cancer, and it will make my symptoms incredibly worse.

I believe this to be true because: I read it online in an article.

This could be false because: Many people have healed from chronic symptoms while being around EMF. Not everyone who lives their life around EMF gets cancer.

New Action: I could enroll in a brain retraining program to get it back in my life.

Example 2:

Action: I must avoid all fruit.

Why? (Belief): Because I heard that fruit causes candida to get worse leading to more symptoms.

I believe this to be true because: Someone I follow shared a blog about this.

This could be false because: Many people eat fruit and still heal from chronic symptoms. Fruit is nutritious and full of vitamins, is a whole food, and nourishing for my body.

New Action: I will start to include fruit in my diet so I’m less restricted. I can enroll in a brain retraining program to help re-introduce the fruit through proper training.

How to Identify Your Core Beliefs

Challenging Your Beliefs

We highly recommend that you challenge all the beliefs you’ve ever learned about health if you want to retrain your brain. You can do this for all your personal beliefs and actions/behaviors. This could be all the other things you’re avoiding such as mold, perfume, or social settings. You can do this for your exercise routine. Maybe you’ve been taught that exercise stresses your system, and you shouldn’t do it. But do you really have to avoid it?!

Or maybe you fast until noon to feel good or have a specific bedtime…but do you really have to do those things? I know for me, I had to challenge ALL my beliefs. I even challenged beliefs that I didn’t think I would have ever challenged such as do I really have to eat 100% whole foods to be healthy and happy? When I saw my pastor and everyone at my church eating pizza and they were happy and healthy, I decided that this was a false belief I was hanging on to.

Since brain retraining, I completely obtained the belief that the environment wasn’t the only thing making me sick. I stopped believing that mold, Lyme, CIRS, SIBO, etc. was the root cause. Instead, I adopted the belief that it was my brain’s response to perceived stress that was causing my symptoms. Studies have shown up to 90% of chronic symptoms and diagnosis stem from stress.

Challenging Your Beliefs

What Are Your End Goals?

I came to realize that if food, contaminated buildings, or EMF were the root cause that everyone would be sick. I knew that just could not be true. Then, I stopped believing that I had to do tons of supplement protocols in order to get better. I stopped believing that I had to be on a restricted diet or that I couldn’t enjoy some ice cream or pizza when I wanted to. It’s important to note, these are MY beliefs. You must align your own beliefs with your end goals. If you’re in a brain retraining program, really think about what you want. Clear end goals must be established in order for you to determine which core beliefs need to be addressed.

If you are on a restricted diet, what is your end goal with it? Do you want to be able to eat a variety of whole foods or do you want to be able to enjoy chips and dip with your cheeseburger? I’m not saying that just because I eat ice cream that you have to! Just really think about what your end goals are with exercise, the places you go, and what you want with your health and life.

Changing your core beliefs is going to be crucial to rewiring your brain. Sometimes it may be helpful to almost unlearn all the stuff about natural health. Because let’s be real, if you weren’t sick 10 years ago you probably didn’t have beliefs that you HAD to eat a certain way, that you HAD to get to bed at a certain time, or that you HAD to avoid certain things to be healthy. If you were once healthy without all the rules, then you can get back there!

I also want you to realize one more thing. You don’t get back to being your healthy and happy self by just simply changing your beliefs. If you have sensitivities or other symptoms, you are going to have to retrain and rewire your brain to better handle perceived stress and tolerate the things you want back in your life.

To get the best tips on rewiring your brain for health and happiness from a Christian perspective, join our free Facebook group! If you are interested in having us help you rewire your brain so you can live happy and healthy again, schedule a free call. We look forward to hearing from you. God bless!


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