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How To Rewire Your Brain For Christ By Shifting Your Focus

September 14, 20218 min read

How To Rewire Your Brain For Christ By Shifting Your Focus

If you’re looking to rewire your brain for Christ, you will have to start by shifting your focus. While this isn’t easy when you’re hit with multiple chronic symptoms, it can be done with consistent practice.

It’s important to realize that whatever we focus on gets magnified and amplified in our hearts. In other words, if we focus on our trials, traumas, stressors, and problems, we make them bigger and bigger. These things will then become wired into our brain, and we’ll think about them more often. Focusing on our problems magnifies fear.

Fear-Based Response

If you sit and obsessively search and focus on symptoms- (trying to figure out what is causing them, the best treatments, how to get rid of them through your own research, etc.) then you could be creating a fear-based response in your brain. That causes the release of stress hormones such as cortisol, adrenaline, and norepinephrine in your body.

Focusing on trauma for those with limbic system dysfunction, activates the fight flight or freeze response. The stress hormones will continue to be released and worsen chronic symptoms. However, there is some good news. You can make the conscious choice to interrupt the cycle by shifting your focus.

The power of neuroplasticity.

It won’t be easy. It takes time and tons of effort to wire out specific problems and traumas, but IT CAN BE DONE. Our mind can change our physical brain through the power of neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity by definition is “the ability of the brain to form and reorganize synaptic connections, especially in response to learning or experience or following injury.”

When you ruminate on the symptoms and problems (your current trials and suffering), this fear response leads to doubt and being afraid of the unknown. If we’re not careful, the enemy can really take hold of us and we can spiral into a very dark place emotionally and even physically. These can bring on the feelings of being disconnected from God.

Live by the Word of God

Live by the Word of God

We must remember not to live by our feelings but by Truth which is the Word of God. If we do not, these negative thinking patterns can lead to depression, anxiety, PTSD, and ultimately chronic symptoms of all sorts. When we live in fear, focusing on the problems, we aren’t walking in faith. Faith and fear are opposites. They cannot coexist! God calls us to walk in faith and trust Him with our trials while we renew our mind and change our heart for him! 2 Timothy 1:7

For God has not given to us the Spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. Fear comes from the enemy. John 10:10 says “The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy.” Fear makes you go backward, and faith moves you forward. There is a reason that God tells us not to fear over 300 times in the bible.

Think and Talk Like a Healthy Person

One of the ways to wire out the trauma of illness is to try not to think or talk about symptoms the best you can. I understand that it is tough. When I was first sick and only able to eat 2 foods, all I could think about was what foods I could eat, my horrible brain fog, pain, and the list goes on. I lived in constant fear mode— I feared my symptoms, food, chemicals, mold, people, and all kinds of things. I was basically paralyzed by fear mentally and physically.

When I was sick, I felt as if there was no way out. I searched for hours a day on the internet looking for the answer to my symptoms. This made me spiral into worsening fear and despair. My health ended up getting worse. One of the biggest problems I discovered was that I gave my health more attention than my relationship with God. It got me absolutely nowhere because I was doing things in my own strength. I was trying to control the symptoms, but they were actually controlling me.

My mind was consumed by my health problems and how I was going to fix them.

If this sounds like you and you feel stuck in an endless cycle of searching for the answer, then I am telling you that it doesn’t have to be this way. If Jesus and brain retraining can make me go from a fearful bedbound 30-pound underweight woman to a happy and healthy woman, then these things can work for you too. There is hope and there is a way out.

A supplement protocol or diet cannot replace what Jesus and Brain Retraining can do to help you heal from the inside out. It’s so easy to focus on what is in our way instead of focusing on the God that makes a way. When you do this, things start to happen on a spiritual level & God works to heal you from the inside out. The flesh dies but your Spirit lives forever. With this in mind, what is more important? Your physical health or your spiritual health? Proverbs 3:5 says to “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” We don’t have to figure out the why why why of our symptoms and trials.

Replace your symptoms with an animal.

In our limbic system rewire program, we have our clients label their symptoms with an animal (or the general term “animal”). We recommend you do this too! We recommend this as it’s best to try not to talk about them to yourself or anyone or focus on them while you are rewiring. So, if you must talk about your symptoms to any of your family members, friends, or coworkers you can just say “animals” instead of the words fatigue, headache, pain, etc. You want to create a positive association in your brain, so your brain doesn’t look at them as a big, scary, threat anymore. This will help you get out of the fight flight or freeze response.

Whenever you’re talking about symptoms you may be complaining, anxious about the what ifs, or bringing negativity and self- centered attention to the conversation when you’re talking with others. Plus, the ones who are close to you likely know the story behind all your symptoms, they don’t need further explanation. I say this with love because believe me, I get how hard it is, but this is an important step for rewiring!

We CAN Control What We Focus On

We CAN Control What We Focus On

While we can’t control all the thoughts that pop into our minds, we can control what we choose to focus on throughout the day. For example, if you are having a tough day…maybe you have a lot of symptoms, you feel emotionally and physically depleted and your friend was not nice to you earlier. You have a choice whether you pick up the Bible and pray or let your mind wander into negative loops. You can rewire your mind for Christ by shifting your focus to Him when triggers and tough times are present.

By doing this, you calm the physical stress response happening inside your body. Over time, this also creates physical changes in your brain and reverses chronic symptoms. It’s so important to realize that our inner peace and contentment come from Christ. Nothing in this world can fill that void: money, people, jobs, perfect health, or anything else. So, redirect your mind when you start spiraling into the negative about your symptoms, or other trials in life whether it was something in the past or something you are currently dealing with.

Focusing on the positive, (especially with God) is so healing to the brain. Physically, it secretes neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins that can help you heal. Spiritually, you are connecting with your Creator and letting Him take the lead. Turn everything over to Him. Give Him your burdens, your worries, your problems, your suffering, and ask Him for peace and contentment to see you through it.

Action Steps to Help Rewire Your Mind for Christ

Action Steps to Help Rewire Your Mind for Christ

Try not to talk about your problems today. Shift your focus onto God when you notice your mind focusing on them. Write a Bible verse on a notecard that combats your most common negative thinking pattern. Anytime your mind wants to think negatively, pull the notecard out and read it. Your new default response is to go to the Word, not to your negative thoughts.


Fear: Nobody understands how sick I am. I feel all alone in my pain.

Bible Verse: Deuteronomy 31:8 “The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”

This will help you wire in new, healthy positive neural pathways! Doing this won’t magically make your symptoms all go away in the snap of your fingers. (Miracles can happen though!) But with consistent retraining of the brain, it happens in time. Many people in our limbic system rewire program see shifts within a couple of weeks by implementing this tip plus the many other things we teach.

We have had clients reverse all kinds of symptoms from digestive problems to food sensitivities, they have seen lab work normalize, their sleep comes back, and so on. However, please do realize that full rewiring to the point where your symptoms are gone can take at least 6 months. Be patient with yourself and start working towards rewiring your mind for Christ by shifting your focus today!

If you are looking to get the best tips on rewiring your brain for health and happiness from a Christian perspective, join our free Facebook group. If you are interested in having us help you rewire your brain so you can live happy and healthy again, schedule a free call. We look forward to hearing from you. God bless!


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